
Managing Our Homes during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As our country continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, CDC is working to ensure the health and safety of the communities we serve and the staff on the front lines of our efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. It is a time of unprecedented demands on our public health and community-based HIV prevention partners, and we are working to help them prioritize steps needed to combat COVID-19, while also delivering essential HIV prevention and treatment services in both traditional and novel ways. Many of the same systems, organizations, and approaches that have been developed to fight HIV are now integral to the lifesaving efforts to protect vulnerable populations from COVID-19.

CDC remains committed to moving forward with efforts to end the HIV epidemic while considering the needs of the communities and individuals at risk for COVID-19 in every decision. As we work with partners to address evolving challenges, questions, and needs, we will post new information, guidance, and resources to this page.